The transport sector currently contributes to nearly a quarter of total global CO2 emissions and it could take many years to recover from these emissions. It is worth noting that the fumes coming out of vehicles’ engines are the most obvious toxins that cause health problems, particularly in heavily-populated cities.
The effects of air pollution are quite severe. This type of pollution is considered the main cause of rising cases of respiratory system illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. As a consequence, 90% of the population breathes polluted air, thus causing 7 million deaths a year.
Air pollution is the main cause of Ozone Layer Depletion, which is the world’s greatest threat. It results in increased UVB radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, damaging our DNA. This also has negative effects on osteoporosis, skin cancer and eye disease. Furthermore, it endangers animals, plant life, marine life, and causes the loss of wildlife species.
Over time this could lead to extensive global warming, damaging our nature and causing climate change, which in turn engenders natural disasters like the shrinking of the arctic ice, an increase in sea levels, stronger storms and cyclones, tsunamis, higher temperatures, prolonged heat waves, wildfires, changes in rainfall, acid rain, earthquakes, devastating volcanic eruptions, a change in seasons, droughts, contamination of drinking water, reduced biodiversity, spread of diseases, irreparable damage to the economy and a huge loss of life and property. These natural disasters are becoming increasingly frequent and more extreme.